i've been doing a fair bit of reading around meditation, lately.
there's a lot of really interesting stuff to be discovered, and it's a world littered with beautiful sounding words, phrases and definitions: alpha rhythm, pineal gland, transcendental etc etc
here's a couple of exercises that will:
- increase the intensity of your concentration
- increase the duration of your attention span
* for best results, cut and paste these images on to a blank word document.
exercise one:
stare at the black dot, resisting the temptation to look anywhere else. Stare at this for about five minutes to begin, then gradually increase the duration as you become more skilled.

exercise two:
Stare past the circles until you notice they each double for a total of four circles. Your goal is to overlap the middle two circles to form one circle with a white cross. Seeing the cross is the evidence that the left hemisphere of the brain (connected to the right eye) is communicating with the right hemisphere (connected to the left eye).

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